Welcome to the Blush! Photography Blog. Women's photography with a twist of fun beauty tips and inspiring articles.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Makin' IT Happen

Perhaps Nike said it best with “Just Do It”. Growing up I always thought things just kinda happened to you. You were successful because it just happened. You were skinny because it just happened. You were happy because it just happened. But now as an adult I realize I couldn’t have been more wrong. (Which let me tell you is oh so rare... ;) )

So often we get trapped in the mindset of “That can’t happen for me” or “I’m not that lucky” and you’re right, you’re NOT that lucky. But fortunately for all of us it has nothing to do with luck. It’s all about intent and follow through. And Blush! is a product of that intent and follow through. 

For so long Stephanie and I had thought about having our own photography company that empowered us ladies to feel great about ourselves. And for so long that is all it was, a thought. A great thought albeit, but a thought ain’t gonna git you nowhere!

So over margaritas one day we decided to "JUST DO IT!" What did we have to lose? Um, nothing. And so the process began. At first the process was a bit daunting as neither of us had started a real life business before. (Only in our overactive, overachieving minds.) I'm not gonna lie, it was a little bit intimidating. But we worked through it bit by bit and here we are today. No doubt we are at the very beginning of our journey and we have a lot to learn and grow from, but I truthfully think the hard part is over. That first step in committing to getting it done and putting yourself out there is by far the hardest piece.

So whether it’s getting that company started you’ve always thought about or losing those last 10 pounds of baby weight, just do it!! Start tomorrow. Screw it, start now. Go throw out that carton of Jamocha Almond Fudge sitting in the freezer. Put that great idea of yours into action because it’s not going to just happen and nobody is going to do it for you. But the beautiful thing is just that, it is all in your hands.


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